Welcome to the 6th edition of BYMAT, an international conference dedicated to provide young researchers the opportunity to showcase their work and establish new connections early in their careers. In essence, BYMAT is focused on Bringing Young Mathematicians Together.

The conference is mainly oriented towards PhD students, but also towards masters students and undergraduates with the aim of introducing them to the research field. We will have parallel sessions hosting short talks from the attendees and contributed posters. Additionally, there will be 4 plenary talks given by young professors and workshops on transversal topics.

We consider BYMAT as an opportunity to know about fellow young researchers and start creating links within the same and different branches of mathematics. For this reason, the conference is highly focused on active participation from the attendees; we encourage you to contribute with a poster or a talk.

For questions and requests, please contact us at bymat.conference@uva.es.

Check out our social networks for news and updates.

Instagram: @bymatconference
x: @bymatConference